Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Look Back...

As Charles Dickens writes in his novel A Tale of Two Cities "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."

We had fewer bookings this year as a company, but the quality of shows was better than it has ever been.  We have broaden our fan base to include Iowa and Kentucky while maintaining our fans at home in Illinois and Missouri.  We focused on making our shows sharper and better, because we know we are not perfect and the end result is that we at least had a show every month this year!  We are year round and we are not turning back!!!

Here is a photo journal of some of our adventures in 2012...

Young Master Dylan kicking off the New Year in Pirate Fashion!

We brought in the new year by celebrating with our seamstress and her family.  Dylan's Grandma has started her own costume business with the help of Dylan's Mum.  They are the ones responsible for Bonney Black and Angelique LeFleur's pirate coats.  Check them out at Sew What? Just About Anything!

We broke new ground by getting into schools this year!  We even made it into a school on an Airbase to perform!!! (You should have seen us at security).

Captain Powder Keg O'Brien noticing the sign that says "KEEP OFF!"

Captain Powder Keg checking out a potential ship.

We now regularly book our 3 lady pirate show much to the chagrin of those that we leave behind.  Sometimes, a hat helps...
Captain Fia saying "Happy Sails!" to Mum Captain Moira and trying to put on a brave face.

Angelique journeyed back to a place of her childhood when Swords and Roses performed in Burlington, IA.   Angelique is standing next to the end of Snake Alley-the crookedest street in the US.  She managed to maneuver her "ship" through the street without losing Maricella.
 Angelique feeling victorious over having maneuvered the great Snake Alley
(Maricella was unavailable for comment)
 "Hello, London!  Get me away from my crazy French Captain!"

When Angelique is not busy frightening her First Mates or her Captains she takes time to corrupt the next generation of Swords and Roses.
 Angelique working with Young Master Aaron in the background while Pirate Apprentice Sarah strikes a pose.  She has step 1 of being a pirate perfected...looking good.

At the end of July, Swords and Roses found themselves Bristol bound.  Bristol Renaissance Faire bound. Alas, it was only for a visit but we are coming back for that ship!

There she be, the mighty Dreadnought

 "The ship is Ours!"

 Maricella trying to take on more booty than she can handle.
 Riding Elsie the Elephant, which was smooth riding
Cross one more thing off the bucket list!
 We ran into Bounding Main! (one of our favorite pirate singing groups.)
Angelique bought them out of their CDs that day.

Angelique had to be pulled off the Dreadnought, since Swords and Roses was booked for Chicago Ridgefest the next day.

In 90 degree weather, we fought for the crowds entertainment.  It did not seem like work since the temperature had been in the 100's for several days.  We met some amazing and talented performers.  Angelique got to cross off two things on her bucket list that day; she met Laura Ernst. and she zip lined for the first time.

 Performers for the kids row: Babaloo, Troy Roark, Laura Ernst, Maricella and Angelique

Maricella on the silks

Angelique on the silks?

 Preparing for the zip line
 Walking up the ladder to the tune Stairway to Heaven (I wish I was making this up)
 Final instruction
Now this is flying!

Later that week, we performed for The Muny as part of the Green Show for Pirates! (Gilbert and Sullivan Plunder'd).  Local fans came to cheer us on!

One of our Number One fans Meaghan brought her friend, Rachel, to meet the silliest pirates off stage. Notice the burgundy and blue motif and Meaghan's shirt that she converted to a purse.

In September, Moira and Angelique helped Young Master Maddox celebrate his 4th birthday with a private pirate party.  Perfect idea for a lad, who was born near Talk Like A Pirate Day!

October found Captains Angelique LeFleur and Gabriella Bashby in the same performance area with     Chris Camp-The Whip Guy.  Another check off the bucket list for Angelique since she had a chance to meet the guy, who impersonates Indiana Jones for a living!

November, we welcomed a new First Mate to the ranks of Swords and Roses with the birth of Eliana Mei-Zhen to Captain Belle LeFleur.  Aunt Angelique stopped fighting Morgan Chelsey long enough to tell her sister congratulations and then proceeded to get beaten twice by the Irish/English lass.

So that is just a glimpse of what our 2012 looked like.  We will expand this edition if I acquire pictures from the other events we performed at this year.  We conquered fears, we shed some tears and now we raise our mugs high.  To you, dear fans, thank you for your continued support!  Please spread the word about us and we hope to see you in 2013 for Swords and Roses presents In Search of Buried Treasure coming to a venue near you.

Look sharp, step lively...
Now bring me that horizon!