Sunday, February 15, 2015

Swords and Roses Fun Fact #2- Why Pirates?

In celebration of Our 15th Anniversary, I will be posting on the 15th of the month a little fun fact about Swords and Roses.

Why Did You Choose to Become Pirates?
We actually did not choose to be pirates...YOU, the audience, did! 
 Susan and I actually had a sisterly argument about whether we were going to be chivalrous ladies with swords or pirate ladies with swords.  I knew that I wanted two endings for every show, because I am a fan of The Mystery of Edwin Drood, which is a musical that has multiple endings.
 So we decided that our first argument that the audience would help us settle would be...Do we choose a life of chivalry or of piracy?  We had our two endings.   Belle played by Susan would be the champion of chivalry, since she played the virtuous sister who had left the court to find her wayward sister.  Angelique played by Maria would be the champion of piracy, since she was in love with a pirate and had gone in search of him. 
Three different audiences each day for the run of the Greater St. Louis Renaissance Faire would vote and EVERY audience chose piracy!  It would be the only time in Swords and Roses history that Angelique would enjoy complete victory.  Looking back on the choreography, Belle's win was better and flashier.  Maybe we will have to bring it back just so it has its moment of glory.
On behalf of Swords and Roses, we thank you for choosing piracy because we would probably would not have lasted 15 years otherwise.  We were ready and in the public consciousness when pirates became popular with the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  Thanks to Captain Jack Sparrow and to Jake and the Never Land Pirates we are still riding the piratical waves.