Who Writes the Scripts?
William Shakespeare (not one of our script writers)
When Swords and Roses first started with just Maria and Susan, Maria did most of the script writing.
It was easy at the beginning because so much of the show relied on the sibling rivalry between the two ladies. Something would happen in the sisters' life and they would say "That would be perfect for a Swords and Roses show!"
Belle silencing Angelique in the middle of Angelique's dramatic monologue
Scripts were not given a title until January 2009 with our touring show The Quest For A Cabin Boy.
Before 2009, the scripts were titled General Script-(year). We did have a Wedding themed show that has become our wedding shower show entitled From Pirate to Princess. Yes, we do get booked for Pirate themed wedding showers.
Why the change? The only explanation for this change was that in 2009, Swords and Roses expanded and brought in new talented ladies. The summer in 2009 was the beginning of a lot of growth in shows and as a company. With the new talent came the responsibility of making certain that we were all on the same page...of the same script.
Newcomers were allowed to improv and play within the context of the script and that allowed for the show to remain fresh. Maria is known for saying "Afterall, this isn't Shakespeare." With new people came new ideas for scripts. Lisa Pavia-Higel brought a lot of her wit to the shows. It was Lisa's suggestion to do a Pirate vs. Ninja show when Swords and Roses was hired for the 2009 St. Louis Pirate Fest. Maria took her suggestion, wrote a script and then Lisa added funny lines. It wasn't until 2013, that Maria finally let Lisa take the writing helm and the quality of the script reflects that positive change.
We now have a total of 15 shows that are in Swords and Roses repertory plus Swords and Roses Entertainment boasts 2 additional scripts. For a list of current scripts that a client can book, check out Our Shows tab at our website